Ken Matheson

Ken Matheson


Ken Matheson


(480) 776-5900
(602) 390-5124


Industry Experience:
30 years
Designations and Credentials:
Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Licensed Designated Broker in the State of Arizona.
Duties in General:
Business development, financial management, personnel management and providing direct communication and coordination with building owners, vendors and staff.
What is your favorite thing to do in your position?
Interact with owners, tenants, and brokers  in maximizing the value of assets.
What do you like most about working with VPM?
Being part of a group of whose daily efforts have created the success we share today.


3 words that best describe you?
Dependable, Diligent and Consistent.
Something that might surprise us about you.
I went to college on a rodeo scholarship.
What do you love to do in your spare time?
Spend time with my family, team roping, and golf.